February 2025
Amsterdam Sustainable Cocoa Conference
On February 6th, WCS EU's Dr. Janice Weatherley Singh spoke at the Amsterdam Sustainable Cocoa Conference , providing insights on the Wildlife Conservation Society’s engagement on sustainable commodities. The Amsterdam Sustainable Cocoa Conference brings together a diverse range of stakeholders to present evidence and foster discussions on key topics shaping the future of sustainable cocoa and chocolate. Read more
Speakers at the 2025 Amsterdam Sustainable Cocoa Conference
January 2025
Belgian One Health Conference
On January 22nd, Dr. Stephane Ostrowski, WCS Senior Advisor of Temperate Asia Region & Associate Director of Wildlife Health Program, presented on “One Health in Action: Balancing Livelihoods, Livestock, and Ecosystems Health in Central Asia” at a Belgian One Health Conference in Brussels. Read more
WCS’s Dr. Stephane Ostrowski presenting at the 2025 Belgian One Health Conference
December 2024
Belgian PREZODE Workshop in Brussels
On December 5th, in collaboration with the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp (ITG) and the University of Liège, WCS EU organised a Belgian PREZODE Expert Workshop in Brussels to develop a roadmap aligned with key European and international policy objectives to advance the implementation of the Belgian 'One World, One Health' Vision. Read more
Participants at the Belgian PREZODE Workshop in Brussels
November 2024
PREZODE General Assembly in Brussels
On November 21st, WCS’s Sarah Olson and Lucy Keatts and WCS EU’s Arnaud Goessens participated in the General Assembly of the PREZODE (Preventing ZOonotic Disease Emergence) Initiative in Brussels. Lucy presented on the critical need to employ a risk-based approach to effectively prevent pandemics. Read more
WCS's Lucy Keatts presenting at the PREZODE GA
October 2024
Reception on COP16 and COP29 in Brussels
In the run-up to the sixteenth session of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP16) in Cali, WCS EU, the Embassy of Colombia in Brussels, and the Belgian Biodiversity Platform hosted a pre-COP16 event on October 7th in Brussels to discuss the integration of global frameworks and international commitments to achieve policy goals and biodiversity gains. Read more
Speakers, the audience, and an art exhibition at the COPs event in Brussels
October 2024
EU CITES Anniversary Event in Brussels
On October 1st, WCS was invited to speak at the EU CITES Anniversary Event, hosted by the European Commission's DG Environment in Brussels. WCS was represented by Manoly Sisavanh, WCS Laos Deputy Director, who provided insights from the field. Read more
Speaker group picture at the EU CITES Anniversary Event
September 2024
IUCN Regional Conservation Forum in Brussels
WCS EU was actively engaged in the IUCN Regional Conservation Forum for Europe, North, and Central Asia, which took place from 30 September to 3 October in Bruges, Belgium. WCS EU organised two sessions and held a booth to share insights on key policy work and conservation efforts linked to the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KM-GBF). Read more
WCS EU’s Janice Weatherley-Singh moderating a panel discussion
June 2024
EU-LAC Policy Dialogue on Nature-based Solutions in Brussels
On June 26th and 27th, the European Commission organised the 1st EU-LAC conference on Nature-based Solutions (NbS) to initiate a policy dialogue between the two regions. The conference brought together public authorities, local communities, scientists and research institutions, non-governmental organisations, funding organisations, and industry and private investors from across the European Union and Latin America and Caribbean countries. Participants discussed and identified innovative approaches and pragmatic Nature-based Solutions to pressing environmental and societal challenges. WCS was represented by Arnaud Goessens, Associate Director of EU Policy (WCS EU Office), who presented on the conservation and restoration of forest ecological integrity as nature-based solutions. More information is available here.
June 2024
Legal Diagnostic Tool Validation Workshop in Rome
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) organized a 3-day meeting in Rome, from June 17-19, 2024, to validate the “legal diagnostic tool” of the Sustainable Wildlife Management (SWM) Programme. This meeting focused on validating the SWM Programme Legal Hub, a comprehensive online platform that compiles relevant legal texts and analyses, and included analyses of legal tools relevant to wildlife management, One Health, rights and communities, animal health, food safety, hunting, wildlife tourism, ecosystem management, inland fisheries, and relevant Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs). It included invited experts from FAO, several MEAs, Intergovernmental organizations, national legal experts, and non-governmental organizations. WCS was represented by Dr. Susan Lieberman, Vice-President, International Policy, and Arnaud Goessens Associate Director, EU Policy, WCS EU Office. More information is available here.
Participants at the SWM Programme, Legal Diagnostic Tool Validation Workshop in Rome
June 2024
Quadripartite One Health Seminar for Europe and Central Asia in Vienna
The regional One Health Seminar, jointly organized by the Quadripartite partners (FAO, WOAH, UNEP, WHO), took place from 11th to 13th June 2024, at the Veterinary University of Vienna, Austria. The seminar brought together representatives from the public health, animal health, and environmental health sectors across Europe and Central Asia. Participants discussed and identified opportunities and best practices for implementing One Health approaches to address health threats originating at the human-animal-environment interface. WCS was represented by Arnaud Goessens, Associate Director of EU Policy (WCS EU Office), who presented WCS Global, the WCS Health programme, and our main objectives and One Health activities in Europe and Central Asia. More information is available here.
Arnaud Goessens speaking at the Quadripartite One Health Seminar for Europe and Central Asia at the Veterinary University of Vienna
February 2024
CMS COP14 in Samarkand, Uzbekistan
WCS wildlife and policy experts attended the triennial meeting of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species (CMS COP14) in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, on 12-17 February 2024. Decisions made there by Party governments have profound implications for the future of species and habitat conservation and sustainable development. The WCS delegation included colleagues from Afganistan, Argentina, Brazil, Mongolia, Temperate Asia, Sharks & Rays Programme, WCS EU Office, and International Policy. WCS and the EU co-hosted a side event titled 'Innovative Climate Change Modeling for Biodiversity Conservation in Northeast Afghanistan and Beyond into Central Asia'. More information is available here.
WCS Delegation at CMS COP14 in Samarkand, Uzbekistan
November 2023
DG SANTE's One Health Conference in Luxembourg
The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) participated in the ‘One Health for All, All for One Health' conference organised by the Directorate General for Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) of the European Commission on 13th November 2023 in Luxembourg to take stock together and to discuss the future of ‘One Health’ in Europe. The recent epidemics and pandemics of zoonotic origin, in particular COVID-19, have made it unmistakably clear that human, animal, plant and environmental health cannot be dealt with separately, but need to be addressed in a ‘One Health’ approach. Prof. Dr. Christian Walzer, WCS Executive Director of Health, participated in a panel discussion on the triangle of climate change, environment, and health. More information is available here.
Prof. Dr. Christian Walzer, Executive Director of Health, WCS, speaking at the EU 'One Health' conference
November 2023
WHO Pandemic Accord - INB 7 in Geneva
The seventh meeting of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) to draft and negotiate a convention, agreement or other international instrument under the Constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO) to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response, was held from 6-10 November 2023, at the WHO Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) was represented by Arnaud Goessens, Associate Director of EU Policy, WCS EU office, who addressed the plenary in person. WCS urged the INB to not just focus on reducing the impacts of events resulting from spillovers but to also focus on preventing pandemics at their source. More information is available here.
Left: Arnaud Goessens, WCS EU Office, speaking at the INB 7 in Geneva / Right: INB7 Plenary Session
October 2023
EU Global Gateway Dialogue Platform in Brussels
The “Global Gateway” is the European Union’s new global investment programme that aims to mobilise up to €300 billion for investments in partner countries. Around 60 members (including CSOs, social partners, professional and business associations, and local authorities) were invited to join the dialogue platform. WCS EU is one of only three environmental organisations participating and will highlight the need for EU investments in partner countries to take account of the impacts on biodiversity. The first meeting was opened by Jutta Urpilainen, European Commissioner for International Partnerships. Arnaud Goessens, Associate Director of EU Policy, WCS EU, participated and spoke on the importance of Global Gateway projects integrating biodiversity in all relevant sectors and investing in the conservation and restoration of ecosystems with direct benefits for the economy and local communities. More information is available here.
First Global Gateway Dialogue Platform meeting held in October 2023 in Brussels
October 2023
World Health Summit in Berlin
The World Health Summit (WHS) took place on 15-17 October 2023 in Berlin, Germany, with 370 speakers from all over the world and 3,000 participants on-site, and more than 12,000 online participants. Topics included One Health Equity, pandemic prevention, climate change and health, the role of the G7 and G20 in global health, and 75 years of WHO. WCS health and policy experts participated in the WHS 2023 to ensure that nature remains a top priority on the global health agenda, to contribute to discussions on the One Health approach, and to discuss the critical need to include ‘prevention at source’ in the new World Health Organization (WHO) instrument to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response. More information is available here.
WCS Delegation at WHS (left to right): Arnaud Goessens, Molly Crystal, Stacy Jupiter, Luis Fernando Guerra, Sarah Olson, and Chris Walzer
October 2023
'Belgian One Health Vision' Final Workshop in Brussels
The Belgian PREZODE Expert Group with support from the Belgian Biodiversity Platform, FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment, and Sciensano held a last workshop on 6th October 2023 to discuss the development of a national 'One World One Health Vision' for Belgium, with a focus on the emergence of diseases of zoonotic origin. Arnaud Goessens, Associate Director of EU Policy, WCS EU Office, shared WCS’s positions on One Health and highlighted the importance of protecting high-integrity ecosystems to reduce risks of future pandemics of zoonotic origin. More information is available here.
Speakers and the audience at the 'Belgian One Health Vision' Final Workshop in Brussels
September 2023
'Scaling up EU Impact to Combat Wildlife Trafficking' Conference in Brussels
The European Commission, the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, and the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) organised a conference on 'Scaling up EU Impact to Combat Wildlife Trafficking - Renewing commitment through the revised EU Action Plan against Wildlife Trafficking 2022 - 2027' on 21 September 2023 in Brussels. The event presented best practices and lessons learned, and panelists discussed challenges and opportunities to scale up impact to tackle wildlife trafficking, in line with the revised EU Action Plan to tackle wildlife trafficking. More information is available here.
Dr. Sue Lieberman, Vice President of International Policy, WCS, opens the EU WAP conference in Brussels
May 2023
GBF Technical Workshop in Brussels
The WCS EU Office, The Nature Conservancy (TNC), the Belgian Biodiversity Platform, and the IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA) organised a Technical Workshop on 'Implementing the new Global Biodiversity Framework: Making Target 3 work for People and Nature' on 15th May 2023 at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences in Brussels.This technical workshop was divided into four main sessions, each of which focused on a critical aspect of the implementation of Target 3 under the GBF, including: ensuring ecological representativeness and integrity; ensuring benefits to people; marine and inland water conservation; and supporting and financing implementation. More information is available here.
Speakers and the audience at the GBF workshop in Brussels
May 2023
IUCN Belgian Members day
On 8th May 2023, WCS EU's Arnaud Goessens participated in a panel at the first Belgian IUCN members day at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences. Arnaud presented WCS's global conservation and policy work, and discussed how IUCN can use the power of science to feed into global policy and the major challenges for implementing policy for better conservation. More information is available here.
(Left to right): Sonia Peña Moreno, Chris Mahon, Boris Erg , Arnaud Goessens
March 2023
Biodiversity Spring Market in Brussels
The Belgian Biodiversity Platform hosted a Biodiversity Spring Market on 22nd March, which represented a unique opportunity to learn about biodiversity in Belgium and beyond, and to meet other biodiversity actors from across Europe in an informal setting. The WCS EU Office held a stand to present WCS's global conservation work, including various flagship EU-funded initiatives such as the Sustainable Wildlife Management (SWM) Programme (led by the FAO and implemented by CIRAD, CIFOR, and WCS) and our work on disrupting illicit supply chains of wildlife in the Niassa Special Reserve, the largest conservation area in Mozambique.
WCS EU Office's stand at the Belgian Biodiversity Spring Market, with Caroline Abid and Arnaud Goessens
March 2023
One Health Summit in Brussels
The One Health Summit took place on 21st March 2023 in Brussels and brought together global experts to discuss the interconnectedness of health and the importance of a One Health approach that includes an environmental perspective and collaborative plans to prevent new pandemics of zoonotic origin. Speakers included Dr. Borja Cabezón, Spain's Global Health Ambassador, Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, Emerging Diseases and Zoonoses Lead at WHO, Dr. Chris Walzer, Executive Director of Health at WCS, and Dr. Marta Valenciano, Lead Epidemiologist at DG SANTE, European Commission. More information is available here.
Prof. Chris Walzer, WCS, speaking on a panel at the One Health Summit
March 2023
Belgian One Health Vision Workshop
The Belgian PREZODE Expert Group with support from the Belgian Biodiversity Platform , FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment and Sciensano held a workshop on 8th March 2023 to discuss the development of a national 'One World One Health Vision' for Belgium, with a focus on the emergence of diseases of zoonotic origin. Speakers included Arnaud Goessens, Associate Director for EU Policy, WCS EU Office, among others. More information is available here.
Arnaud Goessens, WCS EU Office, speaking at the Belgian One Health Vision Workshop
December 2022
SWM at COP15 in Montreal
The Sustainable Wildlife Management (SWM) Programme hosted a side event at the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP15) to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), which took place in Montreal from 7th – 19th December 2022 and brought together governments and stakeholders from around the world. This COP15 side event explored participatory opportunities to promote sustainable solutions to wild meat consumption in different contexts. Speakers included Gaspard Abitsi, WCS Gabon Country Director, among others. More information is available here.
Speakers from DG INTPA, OACPS, DRC, FAO, CIRAD, CIFOR, and WCS at the SWM side event at COP15 in Montreal
December 2022
European Health Summit
The European Health Summit (EHS) took place on 8th December 2022 at the Egmont Palace in Brussels. As the planet continues to face the multiple impacts of COVID-19 on human health, well-being and economies, governments across the globe must take the necessary steps to help prevent future pandemics of zoonotic origin. Prof. Chris Walzer, WCS Executive Director for Health, and Mr. Bernard Mazijn, Chief of Staff to Ms. Zakia Khattabi, Minister for Climate, Environment, Sustainable Development and Green Deal of Belgium, discussed why investing in the integration of health and the environment is critical for pandemic prevention, and why a fully integrated cross-sectoral One Health approach provides the necessary framework for recovery from COVID-19. More information is available here.
From left to right: Amalie Holmgaard Mersh (Euractiv), Bernard Mazijn (Cabinet of Belgian Env. Minister Khattabi) , Prof. Chris Walzer (WCS)
November 2022
Side Event at CITES COP19
The WCS EU Office, the European Union (EU), and United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) co-hosted a side event titled "Local Governance and Civil Society Organisations – Key in Disrupting Wildlife Trafficking" at the 19th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP19) to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), which took place in Panama City from 14th - 25th November 2022. The side event brought together actors from Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the EU, from governments and civil society, sharing local and regional experiences on strengthening the capacity of local authorities, civil society, and local communities in protecting their environment and wildlife, and in combatting illegal use and trade. More information is available here.
Panelists at the CITES COP19 side event on tackling wildlife trafficking
November 2022
Reception on COP27 and COP15
The WCS EU Office, the Belgian Biodiversity Platform (BBPF), and The Nature Conservancy (TNC) organised on November 21st, 2022, a special reception to discuss why the world needs an ambitious Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) to accelerate the Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Although the Climate COP tends to garner most of the political attention, this reception event aimed to show why achieving climate goals and the SDGs is dependent upon agreement of an ambitious GBF at the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP15) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) to be held this December in Montreal, Canada. More information is available here.
Panelists at the reception on COP27 and COP15
October 2022
World Health Summit in Berlin
The World Health Summit (WHS) took place on 16-18 October 2022 in Berlin, Germany, with 404 speakers from 141 countries and 4,100 participants on-site, and more than 60,000 digital participants. As the planet continues to face the multiple impacts of COVID-19 on human health, well-being and economies, it’s time for governments across the globe to take the necessary steps to help prevent future pandemics of zoonotic origin. WCS health and policy experts attended the WHS to contribute to discussions on the importance of the One Health approach and the critical need to include ‘prevention at source’ in the new World Health Organization (WHO) instrument to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response. More information is available here.
From left to right: Arnaud Goessens (WCS EU), Christine Franklin (WCS), Molly Crystal (WCS), and Chris Walzer (WCS)
October 2022
European Business Nature Summit in Brussels
WCS participated actively in various sessions at the European Business Nature Summit 2022, which took place on October 18th & 19th in Brussels. The private sector is a major driver of change and has real power to lead. Early adopters can influence entire industries to adopt environmental best practices, promote investment in sustainable economic endeavours and businesses that conserve biodiversity, and communicate the value and importance of conservation to consumers and the general public. Joe Walston, WCS Executive Vice-President of Global Conservation Programme, spoke in a high-level panel on tackling the twin crises of biodiversity loss and climate change together. More information is available here.
Panelists at the European Business Nature Summit
September 2022
Reception on One Health and Pandemic Prevention
The WCS EU Office, the Belgian One Health Network, the PREZODE Initiative, and the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU organised on September 19th, 2022, a special reception to discuss the importance of the One Health approach and the critical need to include ‘prevention at source’ in the new World Health Organization (WHO) instrument to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response. The reception included statements from Ms. Zakia Khattabi, Federal Minister of Climate, Environment, Sustainable Development and Green Deal, Belgium, Ms. Stéphanie Seydoux, Ambassador for Global Health, France, and Mr. Ladislav Miko, Advisor to the Minister of Environment and Special Envoy for International Negotiations, Czech Republic. More information is available here.
Participants at the One Health and Pandemic Prevention reception in Brussels
July 2022
IUCN Africa Protected Areas Congress in Kigali
WCS sent a strong delegation to the first ever IUCN Africa Protected Area Congress that took place from July 18-23 in Kigali, Rwanda. The Congress provided an essential and unique opportunity to promote policies, projects, and partnerships to ensure a sustainable future for protected areas in Africa for people and nature. Building on decades of success and significant contributions to local, national, and regional conservation across 14 African countries, WCS showcased the impact of our work and demonstrated that in addition to conserving critical wildlife and natural habitat, protected and conserved areas (PCAs) are vital anchors of economic growth, strong governance, and improved well-being and livelihoods for local communities. More information is available here.
From left to right: Hon. Amit Idriss, Minister of Water, Forestry, Hunting and Fishing, Central African Republic, Joe Walston (WCS), Emma Stokes (WCS), and Arnaud Goessens (WCS EU)
June 2022
European Development Days in Brussels
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) organised a session on delivering on the One Health Joint Plan of Action (OH JPA) of the Quadripartite at the European Development Days (EDDs) on June 22nd in Brussels. WCS EU's Arnaud Goessens, Associate Director for EU Policy, was invited to intervene and highlighted the need for significant investments to bridge knowledge on modern holistic One Health framing and the need to explore structural changes across administrations in order to enable One Health approaches. To reduce risk of future pandemics of zoonotic origin, he stressed the importance of prevention at source and the critical need to protect ecosystems with high ecological integrity such as intact forests. More information is available here.
Arnaud Goessens, WCS EU, speaking at an EDD session organised by the FAO, WOAH, WHO, and UNEP (© Nelea Motriuc / FAO)
June 2022
European Development Days in Brussels
WCS, COMBO partners, and the China Academy of Transportation of Sciences (CATS) organised a brainstorming session on sustaining economic growth by reconciling infrastructure development with national climate and biodiversity priorities at the European Development Days (EDDs) on June 21st in Brussels. Speakers included Dr. Hugo Rainey, WCS Senior Advisor, Business & Conservation, among others. The COMBO partners work with stakeholders from the public and private sectors to understand and apply a policy that helps progress toward national biodiversity and climate priorities. These include considering how roads may be best routed to avoid the most intact forests and the communities that rely on forest resources. More information is available here.
Participants at the WCS session during the European Development Days in Brussels
March 2022
CITES Standing Committee Meeting in Lyon
A small WCS team attended the CITES Standing Committee (SC74) meeting in Lyon, France (March 7-11). The in-person WCS delegation led by Sue Lieberman included colleagues from different programs and regions: Alfred DeGemmis (International Policy), Santi Saypanya (Lao Program), Luke Warwick and Dana Tricarico (Sharks & Rays Program), and Arnaud Goessens (EU Policy). SC74 was especially noteworthy since it was the last CITES meeting before CoP19 that will take place in Panama from November 14 to November 25, 2022. Our WCS policy briefing in English, French, and Spanish is found here, under CITES.
Participants at the CITES Standing Committee Meeting in Lyon
March 2022
Virtual Dialogue on Wildlife Trafficking
On the occasion of World Wildlife Day, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and WCS organised a virtual dialogue on 3rd March 2022 to present lessons learned and discuss challenges and opportunities for a renewed EU Action Plan to tackle wildlife trafficking, including how the EU can support the fight against wildlife trafficking in the field in partner countries. WCS EU's Arnaud Goessens, Associate Director, EU Policy, presented key elements that could be strengthened in a renewed EU Action Plan and what is important at the policy level that has not been addressed yet. WCS's Yovana Murillo, Program Manager for Counter Wildlife Trafficking in AAO, presented the Alliance for Wildlife and Forest, which seeks to improve the understanding of the dynamics of wildlife and timber trafficking, to develop collaboration mechanisms between civil society and governments, and to engage civil society. More information is available here.
Speakers at the virtual dialogue on wildlife trafficking
February 2022
6th EU - AU summit & Africa-Europe week
European Union and African Union leaders met in Brussels for the 6th European Union - African Union summit on 17 and 18 February 2022. In the run-up to the summit, the first edition of the Africa-Europe week took place from 14 to 18 February 2022, a key moment that brought together young people, civil society and the private sector from Africa and Europe to discuss the aspects of the Africa-EU Partnership that matter to them the most. The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), CAN Europe, Red Cross EU, and the African Womens Communication and Developmnet Network (FEMNET) co-organised an event on 15 February 2022 titled 'From Local to Global Green Action: African EU cooperation to tackle the interlinked climate, health and biodiversity crises'. Gaspard Abitsi, WCS Gabon Country Program Director, discussed international biodiversity negotiations and their relationship to the AU-EU partnership, NaturAfrica, and the interlinkages between climate change, biodiversity loss, and pandemics. More information is available here.
Gaspard Abitsi, WCS Gabon, speaking at the Africa-Europe week
November 2021
BEOH Web Conference 2021 : Joining Belgian forces for a One Health Green Deal
The Belgian One Health network (BEOH) organized a virtual Belgian One Health conference on the 23th of November 2021. The BEOH network invited Belgian scientists, policy makers and civil society to discuss how the European Green Deal can be best supported in Belgium from a One Health perspective. Belgian experts discussed various themes such as the farm to fork strategy, circular economy, biodiversity, and climate change, and presented cross-cutting recommendations on how to operationalize the One Health approach in Belgium. Speakers included Mr. Frank Vandenbroucke, Belgian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Social Affairs and Public Health, Dr. Laetitia Lempereur, Research Coordinator at the Belgian Federal Public Service Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment, Mr. Tony Agotha, Senior Diplomatic Expert to European Commission Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans, and Mr. Arnaud Goessens, Senior Manager for EU Policy at WCS EU, among others. More information is available here.
Arnaud Goessens, WCS EU, presenting at the Belgian One Health Conference
November 2021
Official launch of Biodiversa+, the European Biodiversity Partnership
The official launch of Biodiversa+, the new co-funded biodiversity partnership – jointly developed by BiodivERsA and the European Commission (DG Environment and DG Research & Innovation) – took place on 17th November 2021, in Brussels. Part of the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, Biodiversa+ gathers 75 research programmers and funders and environmental policy actors from 37 European and associated countries to build the bridge between science, policy and practice. Speakers at the official launch included Ms. Hilde Eggermont, Biodiversa+ Chair & Coordinator, Belgian Science Policy Office, Ms. Joanna Drake, DG Research & Innovation Deputy Director General, Mr. Patrick Child, DG Environment Deputy Director General, Ms. Anne Teller, DG Environment, and Dr. Janice Weatherley-Singh, WCS EU. Dr. Weatherley-Singh presented the international policy landscape: needs and opportunities for Biodiversa+ to partner up. More information is available here.
Dr. Janice Weatherley-Singh, WCS EU, presenting at the official launch of Biodiversa+
September 2021
Preventing the Next Pandemic: One Health, emerging infectious diseases and wildlife trade
On 28th September 2021, the MEPs for Wildlife, a cross-party interest group at the European Parliament, organized a webinar titled 'Preventing the Next Pandemic: One Health, emerging infectious diseases and wildlife trade', in partnership with WCS EU, Humane Society International/Europe (HSI) and the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW). Speakers including Dr. Chris Walzer, Executive Director, WCS Health Program, discussed the on-the-ground impact of markets for live wildlife, particularly for human consumption, and associated wildlife trade, the links to biodiversity, climate, security, and health and how to address these threats through an integrated One Health approach. More information is available here.
Prof. Dr. Chris Walzer, Executive Director, Health Program, Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), presenting during the webinar
September 2021
Virtual launch of the EU-funded project to protect the 5 Great Forests of Mesoamerica
The virtual launch of the EU-funded project to protect the 5 Great Forests of Mesoamerica took place on 16th September 2021. Through partnerships between governments, civil society, research partners, and Indigenous Peoples, the initiative aims to transform agriculture and food systems and protect intact forested ecosystems in Mesoamerica’s Five Forests, in order to adapt to and mitigate climate change, protect biodiversity, and improve livelihoods. The event included interventions from H.E. Mr. François Roudié – Ambassador of the EU to El Salvador, H.E. Mr. Mario Rojas Espino – Ministro de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales de Guatemala y Presidente Pro Tempore de la CCAD, and Dr. Jeremy Radachowsky – WCS Regional Director for Mesoamerica and Caribe, among others. More information is available here.
Dr. Jeremy Radachowsky presenting the 5 Great Forests initiative
September 2021
IUCN World Conservation Congress in Marseille, France
The IUCN World Conservation Congress took place from 3-11 September 2021 in Marseille, France, in a hybrid format with nearly 6,000 registered participants on site and more than 3,500 online participants. As a founding and very active member of IUCN, WCS participated in the main three components of the congress: The Members' Assembly, The Forum, and the Exhibition. WCS speakers included, among others, Dr. Madhu Rao – Senior Advisor for WCS Asia, Ms. Diana Paredes – Landscape Ecology Coordinator at WCS Ecuador, Mr. Arnaud Goessens – Senior Manager for EU Policy, and Dr. Inaoyom Imong – Cross River Landscape Director at WCS Nigeria. More information is available here.
Presentation of the Sustainable Wildlife Management (SWM) Programme at the EU pavilion
June 2021
European Development Days
On 15th and 16th June 2021, the European Commission organised the European Development Days (EDD), a fully digital and interactive conference, which included more than 90 online sessions, 300+ speakers and 10,600+ participants, around the theme ‘The Green Deal for a Sustainable Future’. WCS participated in several sessions on topics such as biodiversity conservation, protected areas, wildlife crime, and youth engagement. WCS speakers included, among others, Dr. Cristián Samper – President and CEO, Dr. Michel Masozera – Director of Policy and Institutional Partnerships for Africa, and Ms. Yovano Murillo – Program Manager for Counter Wildlife Trafficking in Andes-Amazon-Orinoco. More information is available here.

March 2021
Addressing the Biodiversity Crisis: The Role of the Africa-EU Partnership
On 17th March 2021, Dr. Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, European Parliament Rapporteur for the new EU-Africa Strategy, in partnership with WCS, organised a virtual high-level conference titled “Addressing the Biodiversity Crisis: The Role of the Africa-EU Partnership”. The conference was moderated by Dr. Susan Lieberman – WCS Vice President for International Policy, and included interventions from H.E. Ms. Jutta Urpilainen – EU Commissioner for International Partnerships, H.E. Hon. Ms. Sharon Ikeazor – Nigeria Environment Minister of State, Dr. Emma Stokes – WCS Regional Director for Central Africa, Mr. Rémy Rioux – CEO of the French Development Agency (AFD), and Dr. Michel Masozera – WCS Director of Policy and Institutional Partnerships for Africa, among others. More information is available here.

January 2021
EU Parliament's ENVI Committee public hearing
On 14th January 2021, the EU Parliament's ENVI Committee organised a public hearing on “Facing the sixth mass extinction and increasing risk of pandemics: what role for the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030”, which included an intervention by Prof. Dr. Chris Walzer, Executive Director, WCS Health Program (see the full programme here and the video recording here). In the context of this event, WCS EU developed a document with several recommendations on how the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2030 can help reduce the risk of pandemics of zoonotic origin. To access the document please click here.
Dr. Chris Walzer, Executive Director, WCS Health Program at the EU Parliament's ENVI Committee public hearing on 14th January
January 2021
One Planet Summit in Paris
On 11th January 2021, a One Planet Summit on Biodiversity was held in Paris, under the leadership of President Macron, gathering political leaders and CEOs, pledging to reverse the destruction of nature (see the video recording here). This high-level event included an intervention by Dr. Cristián Samper, WCS President and CEO. To access the full statement please click here.
(From left to right): French President Emmanuel Macron and WCS President and CEO, Dr. Cristián Samper at the One Planet Summit, January 11, 2021
December 2020
Webinar on a "Forest-First Approach"
WCS hosted a virtual event on 11th December on the ‘Forest-First Approach’, a new framing that addresses supply chain risk and reduces deforestation and biodiversity loss at the forest and farm frontier. This webinar engaged government, scientists and civil society representatives in a panel discussion. The panellists discussed how different stakeholders can work together to ensure that supporting actions can accompany new legal tools to have the highest impact on effectively combatting deforestation and forest degradation linked to commodity production in producer countries. More information available here.
(From top to bottom, left to right): Janice Weatherley-Singh (WCS EU), Leonie Lawrence (WCS), Jeni Pareira (WCS Indonesia), Daphne Hewitt (FAO), Chantal Marijnissen (DG DEVCO), Justin Adams (TFA), Lisa Kirfel-Rühle (BMZ)
November 2020
One Planet, One Health, One Future
The German Federal Foreign Office (FFO) in partnership with WCS co-hosted a two day virtual conference “One Planet, One Health, One Future: Moving forward in a post-COVID19 world” in November 2020. This conference built on the 2019 One World, One Health, One Future conference and the Berlin Principles on One Health, which were launched at the 2019 event. Event speakers and participants warned of the dire impact on our global society if we kept ignoring the interconnected issues relevant to human, animal and environmental health – also known as the One Health approach. A few months later, the COVID-19 pandemic gave a devastating wake-up call for the global community. More information available here.
(From left to right): Dr. Susan Lieberman, WCS Vice President for International Policy and Mr. Niels Annen, Minister of State, German Federal Foreign Office
October 2020
Webinar on “Building back better with Nature-based Solutions”
WCS EU and IUCN jointly hosted a virtual European Green Week partner event on 16 October: “Building back better with Nature-based Solutions”. This webinar engaged government, scientists and civil society representatives in a panel discussion to share knowledge and ideas that inspire action to upscale Nature-based Solutions in Europe and globally, including as part of green recovery plans being developed in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic. Nature-based solutions can help to bring life and integrity back to damaged ecosystems to improve wildlife habitats, protect soils and watersheds, support economic resiliency, and better confront a changing climate. More information available here.
(From top to bottom, left to right): Janice Weatherley-Singh (WCS EU), Zacharie Mechali (AFD), Erica ten Broeke (Commonland), Hilde Eggermont (Belgian Biodiversity Platform/BiodivERsA), Chantal van Ham (IUCN), Elena Visnar Malinovska (DG CLIMA)
February 2020
13th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to CMS, India
WCS, WCS India and WCS EU attended the thirteenth meeting of Conference of Parties (CoP13) to the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS), which took place in Gandhinagar, India, from 15-22 February 2020. This year the CoP convened under the theme: “Migratory species connect the planet and together we welcome them home.” We worked closely with CMS Parties to share our scientific, technical, and policy expertise. In total, 10 new species were added to the CMS Appendices, of which seven were added to Appendix I, including the Asian elephant, jaguar, great Indian bustard, Bengal florican, little bustard, antipodean albatross and the oceanic white-tip shark. The Urial, jaguar, smooth hammerhead shark, and the tope shark were listed for protection under Appendix II. New and extended Concerted Actions with targeted conservation plans were approved for 14 species. More information here.
WCS Team Members (from left to right): Aristo Mendis, Ramya Roopa, Avik Banerjee, Arnaud Goessens, Sue Lieberman, Luke Warwick, Aditi Rajan, Alfred DeGemmis
October 2019
Reception on the CBD Post-2020 Framework in Brussels
WCS EU hosted a reception for officials from the European Commission and EU Member State governments involved in UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) negotiations, on Monday 28th October. Opening remarks were given by Ms. Marina Von Weissenberg from the Finnish government, before a presentation was made by WCS’ Dr. Tom Evans. Dr. Evans made the case for a new post-2020 CBD target related to ecosystem integrity, before presenting the new ‘Forest Health Index’ as a means by which to measure forest ecological integrity and forest degradation. The reception was attended with government representatives from Germany, Sweden, Finland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Italy, Denmark, Austria and Croatia as well as staff from the European Commission, FAO, IUCN and various NGOs.
Left to right: Tom Evans (WCS), Janice Weatherley-Singh (WCS EU), Marina Von Weissenberg (Finnish Government)
September 2019
Second Steering Committee meeting of the Sustainable Wildlife Management (SWM) Programme
On 25th September, the partners of the Sustainable Wildlife Management (SWM) Programme gathered in Brussels for the second Steering Committee meeting. The objective of the SWM Programme is to reconcile the challenges of wildlife conservation with those of food security in a set of key socio-ecosystems. It is an initiative of the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) group of states and funded by the European Union. Led by the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), the programme also relies on the expertise of the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), the French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD) and WCS.
Top to bottom, left to right: Myrto Arvaniti (FAO), Filippo Saracco (European Commission), Arnaud Goessens (WCS EU), Motooa Rammoneng (ACP), Alain Billand (CIRAD), John Fa (CIFOR), Conrad Aveling, Tiina Vahanen (FAO), Philippe Mayaux (European Commission), Olusola Ojo (ACP), Hubert Boulet (FAO)
June 2018
CITES holds first workshop on the legal acquisition of wildlife in Brussels
Over 80 participants representing Parties, Intergovernmental Organisations and NGOs from around the world met in Brussels from 13 to 15 June to help design guidelines for the making of legal acquisition findings. The participants discussed guiding principles, methodologies, practical tools, required documentation, forensic expertise, and other resources needed by Management Authorities to verify the legal acquisition of specimens of CITES-listed species to be exported. The European Union provided financial, technical and logistic support for the workshop. Representatives from various NGOs, including CIEL, Defenders of Wildlife, EAZA, EIA, NRDC, Pro Wildlife, WCS, and WWF attended the workshop. More information can be found here.
Left to right: Arnaud Goessens (WCS), Colman O Criodain (WWF), Sandra Altherr (Pro Wildlife), Alejandra Goyenechea (Defenders of Wildlife), Melissa Blue Sky (CIEL), Allan Muir (EAZA), Vanessa Richardson (EIA), Sue Lieberman (WCS), Paul Todd (NRDC). Credit: Juan Carlos Vasquez/CITES
May 2018
DG DEVCO launches the “Larger than Tigers” study in Brussels
On May 22nd 2018, DG DEVCO launched the 'Larger than Tigers: Asia strategic approach for biodiversity conservation' study. The report provides valuable information and analysis in support of a strategic approach to halt environmental degradation and biodiversity loss in Asia. The launch event comprised a presentation by Pete Wood - lead author of the study, and a panel discussion with Stefano Manservisi, Director General of DG DEVCO, Joe Walston, WCS Vice President for Global Conservation, Sugoto Roy from the IUCN Tiger Programme, and Claire Doole as moderator. The event was well attended, with representatives from the European Commission, European Parliament, and various environmental organisations.
Left to right: Stefano Manservisi (DG DEVCO), Joe Walston (WCS), Sugoto Roy (IUCN), Claire Doole. Credit: Bernal Revert/BR&U
March 2018
Presenting WCS's work with local communities in Africa at the European Parliament
On March 6th 2018, MEP Karl-Heinz Florenz hosted an event at the European Parliament to discuss the important role that local communities play in wildlife conservation in Africa. The event comprised a panel discussion with Ali Kaka - Vice-President of the International Union for Conservation of Nature - as moderator, H.E. Tadeous Chifamba - Ambassador of Zimbabwe, Joanna Drake - Deputy Director-General of DG Environment, Arnaud Goessens - EU Policy Manager at the Wildlife Conservation Society, Maxi Louis - Director of NACSO, H.E. Prof. Kaire Mbuende - Ambassador of Namibia, Wilfried Pabst - Zimbabwean landowner, and Joanna Yawitch - Chairperson of the South African National Parks.
Left to right: Wilfried Pabst, Joanna Drake, Karl-Heinz Florenz, Arnaud Goessens, Joanna Yawitch, H.E. Tadeous Chifamba, Maxi Louis, H.E. Prof. Kaire Mbuende. Credit: Alexander Louvet
April 2017
Dr. Cristián Samper, WCS President and CEO, visits Brussels
On April 24th 2017, Dr. Cristián Samper, WCS President and CEO, visited Brussels for various meetings with EU Officials. During his visit, Dr. Samper met with Karmenu Vella (EU Commissioner for the Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries) and Stefano Manservisi (Director-General of DG DEVCO) to discuss WCS’ priorities, including the illegal wildlife trade, ivory, oceans, forest policy and development aid funding for biodiversity.
Left to right: Karmenu Vella, EU ENV Commissioner, and Cristián Samper, WCS President and CEO
February 2017
DEVCO Environment Week
The DEVCO Environment Week 2017 took place from 6 - 10 February 2017 in Brussels. The week comprised two seminars on “Implementing the Environmental Dimension of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” and "Conservation, Development and Security: Implementing the external dimension of EU biodiversity policies". There was a strong participation by WCS staff members who gave several presentations, including on IWT in Latin America (by Adrian Reuter); SMART (by Emma Stokes); Conservation and security in the CAR/South-Sudan/DRC/Chad trans-border region (by Paul Elkan); Panel discussion on Conservation and Development (by David Wilkie); and ‘Larger than Tigers’ Strategic approach to protecting wildlife in Asia (by Tom Clements & Madhu Rao). More information is available here. After the conference, WCS co-organised an evening reception for the participants together with WWF, IFAW, IUCN, African Parks, AWF and TRAFFIC.
Credit: Anouska Plasmeijer/IUCN
March 2016
EU Action Plan against Wildlife Trafficking event at the European Parliament
On March 2nd 2016, MEP Catherine Bearder hosted an event at the European Parliament for the launch of the EU’s Action Plan against Wildlife Trafficking. The event comprised a panel discussion with MEP Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy as Chair, Veronique Lorenzo from DG DEVCO, Mark Jones from Born Free, Janice Weatherley-Singh from the Wildlife Conservation Society and Dagmar Zíková from the Czech Republic Permanent Representation to the EU. More information here.
Left to right: Dagmar Zíková, Janice Weatherley-Singh, Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Veronique Lorenzo, Mark Jones. Credit: MEPs4wildlife