Group of Chief Scientific Advisors. On 20th November, WCS EU released a news statement welcoming the publication of a Scientific Opinion ‘One Health Governance in the European Union’ by the Group of Chief Scientific Advisors, which offers several key recommendations for the effective implementation of the One Health approach. Read more

Next EU Budget. On 4th November, WCS EU and 20 organisations, including environmental NGOs, conservation groups, youth associations, research institutes, and foundations, called for the EU to prioritise biodiversity conservation in the next Multiannual Financial Framework (2028-2034) for international cooperation. Read more

Update of the Belgian Biodiversity Strategy. On 24th September, WCS EU submitted comments to the Public Consultation on the Update of Belgium's National Biodiversity Strategy to 2030. To access the full response click here.

Registration of Captive Breeding Facilities. On 12th July, WCS EU submitted comments to the EU Consultation on ‘Wildlife trade – alignment of EU rules with recent decisions taken under the CITES convention on wildlife trade’. To access the full response click here.

EU Ban on Loose Shark FinsOn 16th May, WCS EU submitted a response to the EU call for evidence on 'better protecting sharks through sustainable fishing and trade'’. To access the full response click here.

European Elections. On 25th April, WCS EU launched its manifesto for the 2024 EU Elections, calling on candidates for the European Parliament to support policies that protect high-integrity ecosystems, and halt and reverse biodiversity loss globally, including by supporting Indigenous Peoples and local communities. Read more

WHO Pandemic Agreement. In April, WCS EU shared recommendations with the EU and its Member States on the Proposal for the WHO Pandemic Agreement. To access the recommendations click here.

CMS COP14 in Uzbekistan. In January, WCS EU shared recommendations with the EU and its Member States on some of the documents and proposed decisions for species and issues that we work on in preparation for the 14th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS COP14) taking place in Samarkand, Uzbekistan, on 12-17 February 2024. To access the recommendations click here.





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