Many species in the Niassa Special Reserve (NSR) face significant threats from poaching (elephant, lion and leopard, pangolin, and other wildlife) and illegal logging (timber products for local and international trade). Furthermore, wildlife trafficking undermines improvements in local livelihoods, destabilizes communities, deters investment in tourism and social sectors, promotes the spread of zoonotic diseases, weakens the rule of law, exacerbates corruption, and funds armed groups and organized crime syndicates. Visit

This EU-funded project aims at disrupting illicit supply chains of wildlife in Niassa Special Reserve, the largest conservation area in Mozambique. More specifically the project will seek to:
- Reduce community-based threats to wildlife and other natural resources, support the community’s livelihood and reinforce its involvement in the management and development of the Reserve;
- Enhance conservation of elephants, lions, leopards, African wild dogs, pangolin and Miombo woodlands, through coordinated actions against poaching and other illegal activities;
- Improve relevant governance processes, supporting efficient mechanisms of judicial follow-up.

To reach these objectives, the project will assist the Reserve Administration to establish and enforce border traffic controls for conservation through a combination of intelligence and coordinated law enforcement (LE), and develop some additional infrastructure to enable these actions. Additionally, it will increase community support for conservation in the Reserve through livelihood improvements, development of a community conservation strategy, establishment of natural resource governance systems, strengthening of resource tenurial arrangements for local residents, increased protection of communities from human-wildlife conflict, and the continuation or development of livelihood support programs.
WCS, as the exclusive non-profit partner of ANAC to co-manage Niassa Special Reserve, will implement this 3-year project in partnership with Fauna & Flora (FF).
WCS Mozambique Newsletters: Issue 1, Issue 2, Issue 3, Issue 4, Issue 5, Issue 6, Issue 8, Issue 10.
WCS Mozambique
Implementing EU Support to Tackle Wildlife Trafficking (December 2024)
Niassa Special Reserve Management Plan 2024 - 2034 (February 2024)
WCS Mozambique 2023 Activity Report (January 2024)
Conference on 'Scaling up EU Impact to Combat Wildlife Trafficking' (September 2023)
Niassa Special Reserve celebrates World Wildlife Day (March 2023)
CITES COP19 in Panama City (November 2022)